The Mikie Productions Brochure
contains useful information about
our products and services and is
available in PDF format for you to print.
Click Here
Set your Printer Orientation to 'Landscape'
for proper printing format.
The Brochure is in a 'High Quality' file size and
can take up to 1 minute to upload.
A great deal of effort, planning, expense and countless hours in the field goes into the capturing of the photos in my 'Nature Galleries'. My photography affords me the opportunity to convey the 'Art of Nature' towards conservational pursuits. The proceeds from the sale and use of my Images and my Guided River Tours are reinvested into my educational and conservational efforts. Thanks for taking the time to view my body of work and for purchasing my images for your own collection. Your contribution is helping to promote the awareness and preservation of Nature for future generations.
Mike Ramy
Many Thanks to Louie Tigh for all his help with my web-site,
this brochure's lay-out and design and the MP Logo design