Welcome to . . . . . Mikie Productions
Home of . . . . . MRamy Images
Thanks for the visit and hope you enjoy viewing the images I have assembled for this website. A great deal of planning, effort, expense and countless hours in the field goes into the capturing of these images that express the beauty of Nature and Wildlife.
I am honored when you purchase an image for your own collection, it allows me to reinvest the proceeds into my Educational and Conservation efforts and direct my work towards preserving the natural world for future generations to enjoy. My loyal commitment toward ecological and conservation concerns has inspired the creation of the Wilderness Photography Foundation www.WPFus.org, whose purpose is to awaken a new generation of environmental conservationists.
Mike Ramy

Click here for a very entertaining 5-minute video about Bird Photography. I jumped at the chance when asked by the Nature Photographers Network to participate, it was a real honor to be associated with such amazing talent for this production.

Click here to review my interview by
'Shout-Out-Atlanta' digital magazine.

Recently Added
Corporate ProjectsExhibition ImagesWildlifeUCSB Trip 2017Florida Spring Break TourOperation MigrationRoss Ensley - Tubing Fontana LakeInterpretive Imagery

1415 photos, 2 videos
Member since 22-Apr-13

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