Welcome to Mikie Productions and MRamy Images Links Page

I would like to give a special 'Thanks' to my Colleagues for their Support, Advice and Inspiration

during my Photographic Journeys.

Be sure not to miss some of the very best Images and services in Nature Photography

by visiting their web-sites at the following links:

(Photos used by permission of the Artist and have Copyrights protection)




All of my presentations, exhibitions and competitions require a deliberate collaboration
involving the collective talents of artistic designers working as a visionary ensemble.
The proper selection of my Printer and Framer has become a very important aspect for showcasing

my images and taking my photography to the next level.

Here are the Guys that make me 'Look Good'


Digital Picture LogoDigital Picture Logo Owen Thompson

Printing has to be performed by a skilled technician with an uncompromising eye for detail along with an advanced understanding of the tools and equipment used to achieve the highest print quality possible. Owen is a perfectionist in every respect. Digital Picture is a premier digital printing company specializing in artistic and creative fine art products.

Digital Picture is located at:
3805 Presidential Parkway
Suite 102
Atlanta, Georgia 30340

(404) 355-3400
Web: https://digitalpicture.com/


PFD copy 2PFD copy 2 Mawani

Framing has to be performed by an artist who is a master craftsman with patience and a delicate touch to achieve optimal results. Mawani has these qualities along with great suggestions inspired from an artistic vision that contributes towards amazing final results. The Picture Frame Depot also has a varied and extensive selection of framing options to choose from.

Picture Frame Depot is located at:
1067 Veterans Memorial Hwy SW
Mableton, GA 30126

(770) 819-0960

Email: [email protected]
Web: https://pfdatlanta.com/



Idle Awhile Logo - 1Idle Awhile Logo - 1

Idle Awhile River Resort
120 Georgetown Landing Road
Georgetown, FL 32139
(321) 258-7737


Accommodations and additional information for Idle Awhile River Resort
visit their web-site at:

visit their FaceBook page at:

RAMY_5696_CF74 - framedRAMY_5696_CF74 - framed

Click here to see more about my Florida Spring Break Tour
and Idle Awhile River Resort




Bluewater Logo - 2Bluewater Logo - 2

Blue Water Resort
220 Blue Water Campground Road
Dayton, TN 37321

office: 423-775-3265
text: 423-443-3377
[email protected]

Accommodations and additional information for Blue Water Resort & Marina
visit their web-site at:

visit their FaceBook page at:

RAMY2024_CF107-Bluewater ResortRAMY2024_CF107-Bluewater Resort

Click here to see more about my Tennessee River Sandhill Crane Tour
and Blue Water Resort




Mark Seaver
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Mark Seaver                     
Burtonsville, Maryland
Web-Site at:










Howard Cheek
Kempner, Texas

Web-Site at:











Patrick O'Healy
Newport Beach, California
Web-Site at:









The premier resource for Nature and Wildlife Photography is the

Nature Photographers Network

The Nature Photographers Network™ is an international cooperative network of
amateur and professional photographers dedicated to the art and technique of
nature, wildlife and landscape photography.

I have been a contributing member of NPN since June of 2012

Click HERE to view several of my images in
"Why Nature Photography - Volume II - Birds"

from the Inspirational Audio Slideshow Series by the Nature Photographers Network
This was an extremely fun and educational project to be involved with plus a real honor to
and associate with such amazing talent for this production.

See the entire NPN Inspirational Audio Slideshow Series - HERE

visit the Nature Photographers Network on-line magazine for more information at:

See the MRamy Images Gallery at NPN  - HERE



Operation Migration


The Whooping Crane is a unique and endangered species that was on the brink of extinction until the dedicated men and women of the Whooping Crane Recovery Team developed a remarkable technique for reintroducing raised fledglings back into the wild and help the population rebound. The project is called Operation Migration and since 2001 has helped increase the numbers from a low of 13 birds worldwide to over 600 today while developing a secondary migratory population in Eastern North America.

See more about this project at:     http://operationmigration.org/


Brooke Pennypacker was lead pilot this day as he collects the 2015 class of young Whooping Cranes and departs from Ft Gaines Georgia


I was fortunate enough to be asked to cover the lay-over for stop 20 of 23 during the 2015/16 migration in my Mother's home town of Ft Gaines Georgia by the local newspaper - The Southern Tribune in Cuthbert Georgia. The 3 day trip down south turned into 10 days to cover the story due to weather related delays and meetings that took key members of Operation Migration back to Wisconsin for several days. It was quite an experience as I got to be involved with all the members and the project as a whole way beyond what I expected to the point of making some endearing friendships. The story also took an unexpected turn, after 15 years, it was announced on 1/22/16 that the plug was pulled on the ultralight guided migration part of the program so I was not only covering this years migration, but the last of the migrations as well. Click HERE for further information and to see the story I submitted that was published in the 1/28/16 issue of the newspaper.

The Southern Tribune Article
"End of an Era for Ft Gaines and Operation Migration"
By Mike Ramy

Click HERE to see the Operation Migration Gallery



A Guide to Flower Photography

The link above is being shared with gratitude and was found due to the researching efforts of a very special young lady who is also discovering the joys of photography,


Thank You Allison


A Flower for Allison


This all came about when I received the unexpected email below on 9/26/2019:


From: "Mia Jenkins"

Message: Good afternoon,

I thought I'd take a quick moment to send you some positive feedback. I volunteer with the library and we recently started up a Junior Photography Club on Tuesday and Thursday nights. It's been a big hit so far and the kids really seem to enjoy it. We asked some of the older children to help us put together some resources to get a better understanding of the basics. Your photography page has been a huge help ( https://www.mikieproductions.com ) so we wanted to reach out as a group and let you know how much we appreciate it.

As a thank you, one of the kids helping me compile resources, Allison, suggested that I pass another article your way,
"A Guide to Flower Photography" at https://www.avasflowers.net/a-guide-to-flower-photography
She thought it would be a great addition to the resources on your Links Page. We've been focusing on Outdoor and Nature Photography this week so this was a pretty comprehensive resource for the kids to learn. Allison actually found it herself and thought it'd be nice to send to you as a way of saying thank you for all your help. If you do decide to add her suggestion we have a meeting tonight and I'd love to let her know. I know she'd be so proud.

Thanks again,



Thank-You Mia


Thank-You to all the Members of the

Junior Photography Club

"You Guys Make Me Proud"

Good Luck on all your photography pursuits

and remember to 'Stay Focused'

Mike Ramy




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